<aside> ❗ Summary panel - all info automatically updated


<aside> <img src="/icons/darks_gray.svg" alt="/icons/darks_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Summary

Overall summary


<aside> ❗ Upcoming trips section - click on the card to view the detailed summary. Change the status to completed to move to the “Completed” section.


<aside> 🪂 Upcoming Trips




<aside> ❗ Planner section - click “+ New” to add a new trip. Click on the page (under name column) to setup your itinerary and checklist. Once completed set the status to “Confirmed” to move the trip to the “Upcoming trips” section.


<aside> <img src="/icons/connecting-flight_gray.svg" alt="/icons/connecting-flight_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Planner



<aside> ❗ Completed section - Archives of all previous trips sorted by country & date.

